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Web Hosting and Cloud hosting service providers at Cheap Price by World Cloud Hosting > Knowledgebase > About Everything > LAMP



Aquiring a server is easy. You just have to go to a website of a hosting provider, choose a hosting solution, order it and pay! After that comes the annoying configuration operations like installing the operating system, the database, the management softwares...

That is why World Cloud Hosting proposes servers with pre-installed LAMP!

A LAMP is a software package for server management and it is composed with four crucial softwares: Linux, Apache 2, MySql and PHP.

But what is the utility of this LAMP Software?

-Linux: Linux is an operating system which help users to manage the server resources and to navigate between folders and files.

-Apache 2: Apache 2 is the most popular HTTP server which allow clients to access to their website.

-MySql: MySql is a database management system.

-PHP: PHP is a script language to generate dynamic web pages.

World Cloud Hosting has 's pre-installed on their VPS servers to help you in managing and configuring it via the web interface control panel Webmin or LxAdmin.

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