Ultimate Pack Hosting
in.wcloudhosting.com - Dedicated Server, Web Hosting and Hosted Email
Top Features |
Disk Space |
Space allowing you to store your data |
500 GB
cPanel |
The best Web Hosting Control Panel |
Monthly Traffic |
Monthly Traffic of Data and information |
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Free Domain Name (.fr, .com, .us, .net, .org, .biz) |
Offered Domain Name for all Annual Payment |
Email Account |
Email Account provided with all Web Hosting products |
Database MySQL 5 (1 GB) |
Base allowing you to manage all your Data |
Web Space |
Web Space |
Disk Space |
Space which allows you to store your data |
500 GB
Traffic / month |
Monthly Traffic of Data and information |
More info... |
Client Area |
A private space containing all your purchases and your transactions |
FTP Access |
Access to transfer your data via FTP tunnel |
More info... |
Domain Name |
Domain Name |
Free Domain Name |
Offered Domain Name for all Annual Payment |
Extension of your domain name |
.fr, .com, .us, .net, .org, .biz
Sub-domains |
Number of subdomain possible after buying a domain name |
Add-on Domains |
Number of domain names that you can assign to your web hosting |
Email |
Email |
Email Accounts |
Email Account provided with all Web Hosting products |
Size per Account |
Size of your email account (GB) |
Email Alias |
Webmail |
Check your Email box from everywhere |
Anti-Phishing |
Security against all phishing email |
Anti-spam |
Security to avoid getting spam |
Database & Programmation |
Database & Programmation |
PHP5 |
Programming language to generate dynamic web sites |
Cron Tasks |
Execution of your tasks automatically at specified hours |
MySQL 5, phpMyAdmin |
Manage your database via phpMyAdmin interface |
Security |
Security |
Filtering of the sensitive ports |
Filtering of the most used ports |
Firewall |
Firewall to prevent intrusions |
More info... |
Directory protection |
Protecting your directories via. htaccess |
Services |
Services |
Network Availability |
Network availability allowing you to connect to your web hosting |
High Availability |
Availability of our data center via the redundancy of our servers, clustering, ... |
More info... |
Technical Assistance |
Assistance through our technical staff |
Installation |
Installing your server VPS |
Online Questions & Answers (FAQ) |
Solve your problem via our online chat |
Terms of Payment |
Billing period |
Optional features |
Optional features |
Plesk |
User-friendly control panel |
Direct admin |
The easiest to use control panel |
Certificat SSL |
Secure your hosting solution |
Premium support |
Accelerate the support response time |
Technical assistance |
The management of your Hosting solution will be done by our technical team |
Service Description |
Service Description |
The Ultimate Hosting Pack is the Best Web Hosting Product provided by World Cloud Hosting. You'll enjoy the 500GB Disk Space and the Unlimited Bandwidth/Traffic for your business application hosting, your huge Dynamique websites, ... The Ultimate Hosting Pack is the best hosting solution delivered with an OS LAMP Ready to allow you to create and build your websites immediately after acquiring your Ultimate Hosting.
Performed with PowerProv, the Best Free Web Hosting Control Panel, you'll be able to manage all your Domain Names, Databases and Email Accounts from one Back Office.
Order Now and enjoy the Best Web Hosting Solution!