Web Hosting and Cloud hosting service providers at Cheap Price by World Cloud Hosting > Knowledgebase > About Everything > What are the main reasons for choosing VPS hosting ?
There are multiple reasons for choosing VPS hosting plan, the most common of which are going to be written in this article :
1)Price :
If you compare VPS Hosting to other hosting plan, like shared hosting for example you will find out that VPS has more expensive prices. This is simply because it’s better in terms of quality and service. If you compare VPS to dedicated server hosting you will notice that dedicated sever hosting performance is much more better than its counterpart. However prices are 5 times more expensive.
2)Configuration and performance:
Many people tend to expend their business and to own large enterprises, this is the normal case for everyone. Still, owning a big business needs the help of specialized / professional hosting solutions. This can be accomplished through VPS hosting;
Choosing VPS hosting means expanding on to faster, more secure, reliable, simply better hosting providers which will fulfill your needs. With shared hosting your web site may start to slow down with large number of visitors, data overflow on the VPS and everything is simply going wrong. This is not the case for VPS and would never be!
Besides, if you need any help, all you have to do is to log off your account until the administrators take care of it and provides you with the main needed resources. And all the things are done in a secure way; everything is taken care with no damage or hacking intrusion.
When it comes to security, VPS stands in first place; The security of the data that is stored is done through a RAID 10, which gave the VPS users failsafe conditions where loss of data is almost unattainable.
At World Cloud Hosting, we provide strong VPS hosting solutions. We believe that customer service is the main goal.
We attain our goal by providing fast, reliable, and affordable VPS hosting services however complex your web enterprise might be. For more information please visit: http://www.wcloudhosting.com/vps-hosting
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