Web Hosting and Cloud hosting service providers at Cheap Price by World Cloud Hosting > Knowledgebase > FAQ > How to > Domain Name > How to choose a Domain Name?
The 10 Commandments for choosing a Domain name :
It’s decided, you will be present on the web. You have chosen a Web Hosting provider for your website. You know what you will put into your site to your audience.
But have you thought through your Domain Name?
Choosing a Domain Name is very important, for the future of your website. When someone thinks of your website, he will think of it by name. If your name is also your URL, he will automatically know where to go. For example, when people think of Wcloudhosting.com , they don't have to wonder what URL to type into their browser to get a web provider of hosting solutions. The name of the web provider is also the URL.
Here are some rules that can help you:
- It should be short
- It should be easy to remember
- It should be easy to spell
- It should be easy to type
- It should be descriptive
- It should be unique
- It should be related to your business name
- It should be related to your product name
- It should be related to your service name
- It must have an extension: .com, .net, .info, .org, …
The most popular extensions
These extensions are the most used :
- .com : the best known, it means the company business.
- .org : refer to associations
- .net : refers to the networks and companies working in a network activity
- .info : refers to information sites
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